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Rmdir command linux guide

Command definition

The rmdir command in Linux is used to remove empty directories from the file system. It stands for "remove directory" and will only delete a directory if it is completely empty; if the directory contains files or other directories, the command will fail and return an error message. This command is a straightforward way to clean up your file system by removing unnecessary directories without affecting the contents of the directories.

Usage examples

  1. Remove an empty directory: The primary use of rmdir is to delete directories that do not contain any files or subdirectories. bash rmdir myfolder

  2. Remove multiple empty directories: You can delete multiple empty directories at once by specifying their names in the command. bash rmdir myfolder1 myfolder2

  3. Check for errors: If you try to remove a directory that is not empty, rmdir will return an error message, which can help you check the directory's status. bash rmdir myfolder

  4. Using wildcards: You can use wildcards to remove multiple empty directories that match a certain pattern. bash rmdir myfolder*

  5. Verbose mode: Although rmdir does not have a built-in verbose option, you can combine it with -v in a script to see which directories are being removed. bash rmdir -v myfolder

  6. Scripting directory cleanup: You can use rmdir in scripts to automate the cleanup of empty directories. bash for dir in myfolder*; do rmdir "$dir"; done

  7. Check if a directory is empty: Before using rmdir, you can check if a directory is empty using ls or find. bash ls myfolder

  8. Remove nested empty directories: You can remove nested empty directories, but you must do so one level at a time. bash rmdir myfolder/subfolder

  9. Using -p option (if available): In some systems, rmdir allows you to remove parent directories if they are also empty, using the -p option. bash rmdir -p myfolder/subfolder

  10. Combining with other commands: You can use rmdir in combination with other commands like find to remove empty directories recursively. bash find . -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \;